Keep Queensland Beautiful Week runs from August 19-25. This year they are highlighting littering by promoting the campaign message Littering is wrong too! More on this campaign and competition can be found on the Keep Queensland Beautiful website.
Did you know that Queensland is the most littered mainland Australian state (according to the 2011 National Litter Index compiled by Keep Australia Beautiful)?
The Department of Transport and Main Roads estimates that road users throw out around 20,000 cubic metres of rubbish along the roadsides each year. This is definitely not a record to be proud of!
How can you help? Encourage your community network such as Neighbourhood Watch, local school or sporting association to become involved and help make their neighbourhood cleaner and safer. A community that appears well loved and cared for is less likely to attract crime and anti-social behaviour. So by removing litter and graffiti and repairing damage to property we can discourage criminals who think it is more likely someone is watching over the area.
If you do have an activity planned for this week send us an email at so that we can recognise your efforts on the blog. Together we can work towards a cleaner, safer region.