Fatality Free Friday is a national event being recognised this Friday 31st May.
Get behind the campaign and commit to the Road Safety pledge on Friday and everyday:
I promise that on Friday, 31 May 2013:
- I will remind my family, friends and workmates to take extra care on the roads.
- I will put my lights on for safety.
- When behind the wheel or riding a motorcycle or pushbike, I will be mindful to drive as safely as I can and follow the road rules.
- I will be patient with other road users, including cyclists and pedestrians.
- I will not speed and I will not drink and drive.
- I will take care at level crossings.
- I will slow down in the wet and drive to suit the conditions.
- I will not tailgate other drivers and I will look as far ahead as possible.
- I will wear my seatbelt.
- I will not use my mobile phone while driving.
- I will set a good example to my passengers by driving calmly and safely.
- I will take care as a pedestrian when crossing the road or street.
For more information please visit www.fatalityfreefriday.com